Innovative, Quality Signage & Printing (NSW Mid-North Coast)

Design Writer (Andrew Holmes) is a trusted and talented local resource used by Two Lucky Ducks clients for physical signage & marketing displays.Local businesses on the mid north coast of NSW who enlist Two Lucky Ducks to develop new websites are also often creating or re-considering their logo, branding, and physical signage / marketing tools (eg. shop signage, street signage, …

Website Back-End Software Updates: 2LD Annual Service

Background (The Technical Stuff)The underlying infrastructure of websites built by Two Lucky Ducks includes: Web Hosting (on a “server” rented from a 3rd party… and with lots of different “server settings”) WordPress – WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites easily. As of December 2023, WordPress powers approximately 43.1% of the …

Emails that offer SEO / Ranking Improvements: Spam or Legit?

A typical SEO Spam Email looks like… “Although your website has a beautiful design and looks great, it isn’t showing up in Google or other major search engines.With your permission I want to send you a Quote showing you a few things to greatly improve your rankings and search results. These things are not difficult, and my Proposal will be …